How To Upgrade Family Tree Maker 2019

Linda cooper
4 min readMay 3, 2022


Here you can learn “ how to Update family tree maker 2019?”. On the 22 ndof September 2019, MacKiev has updated its new software release information.

Questions and answers are mentioned below related to the Family Tree maker 2019 update. if you are using an older version of family tree maker 1995 or Family tree maker 2005 then you should follow this blog.

Answer — as per MacKiev their development team, Development for FTM2019 is reaching an end, and their engineers and their 75 core beta testers agree to share it with users. So, they are going to have an additional 200 users to volunteer them. So, the testers and volunteer must share their feedback with MacKiev. If everything is okay as perusers and testers, they are going to send 10 thousand emails at a time.

Question — Can I sign up for beta testing?

Answer — Yes, You can. You will need to request MacKiev for the sign-up form and they will send you the beta version of FTM19. You must share your feedback with them so they will get to know the difference between FTM17 and FTM19.

As a user, you must be thinking. It is going to take a long for you to get your copies of the software. I just wanted to tell you, Yes, it is possible. It may take a long but since the MacKiev development team are on it that mean, you soon will receive your copy via email.

Question — Why MacKiev took money to upgrade FTM 2019?

Answer — It was a pre-order. A pre-order means, it will be launched later. Since it was a pre-order sale, it was at a discounted rate for Family Tree Maker users.

My suggestions to users, please wait as much as you can because you will get a better version of Family Tree Maker also MacKiev is a reputed company and they would want to release the software as soon as they can since they have promised “this summer”. Thank you for reading our new blog “ Release Date FTM2019 — update”

MacKiev has sent download links to all the customers who pre-booked FTM19. Please chat with MacKiev if you have not received the FTM copy.

How to get a replacement download for the Upgrade family tree maker?

Are you looking for some accurate solutions to get the replacement download for your Family Tree Maker 2019? Did you happen to accidentally delete the copy of your FTM and do not know the procedure for what should be done next? Then just take it easy, as here you will be guided with the relevant solutions; how to get the replacement download through the given links for your FTM 2019. You just got to read this blog and follow along with the guide as to which of the steps below will help to resolve the problem and get you a copy of your FTM as soon as possible.

Getting a Replacement Download for FTM 2019

If you have mistakenly deleted your copy of Family Tree Maker 2019 then the most-quickest way to get a replacement of it is to find the original download links that you received through an email. You will find ‘Your Update family tree maker 2019 Download Delivery Information’ in the subject line of the email. And there are all possibilities that the links of that particular email will work. However if not so, then you need to click here to contact Live Chat and they would reset the downloaded links. In addition to that, the Upgrade Center is working 24 hours throughout the week. So you can get your assistance any time you like.

Step2: the Upgrade Center

If you by chance remember the email address that you used for purchasing the copy of your FTM 2019, then you are required to go to the Upgrade Center by clicking here. This way you will be able to pick up a replacement copy if your copy has been lost.

Step3: Live Chat option

If in case you do not find success with steps 1 and 2 or some issues pop up then the next solution is that you would have to take the support from the Live Chat team and they will assist you with further guidance.
We hope that the above steps are helpful to you and you get over the process successfully. If not so, and you still face issues then you always have the Family Tree Maker Support Number where you can freely share the related issue with the executives to get the appropriate solution.

What is the system requirement for family tree maker 2019?

This is very important for a user to know. if you go ahead and purchase a device that is not compatible with family tree maker software then it will not get installed. You may spend money on something that you do not need.

Read this blog and purchase the right computer (Laptop/Desktop) for family tree software (MacKiev software)

The following are the list of the System Requirements of FTM 2019 for your Windows:

~ Operating System: this needs Windows 7 or the latter too will do, this also includes Windows 10 as well.

~ Hard Disk Drive: here you got to ensure that there is 900 MB disk space available for the related task.

~Memory of the System: you need to have at least 2 GB of Ram present in your device. However, you will also see that 4 GB Recommended.

~Display: this requires resolution up to 1024 x 768 that is all.

List of the System Requirements of Family tree maker 2019 for a Mac device:

  • Operating System: This requires the OS X 10.10 version or the later version. However, it includes the macOS Mojave 10.14 version too.
  • Hard Disk Drive: There should always be 900 MB of disk space available on your drive.
  • Memory: This requires a complete 2 GB of RAM available on your device (4 GB recommended)
  • Display: The screen resolution is always 1280 x 800

If you have more questions and you want to talk to someone on the phone related to Family Tree Maker 2019. You can call or chat with us our Experts Family Tree Maker Support.

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Linda cooper

we are supporting for family tree maker. family tree maker released a new version of family tree maker 2019. Color coding, this is one of the features added in